Monday, November 1, 2010

Been too long

The Church’s mission and vision is one of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone, regardless of their immigration status

Ugh.  It's been too long and not enough done yet.  Hard for me to focus.  I need to make deadlines for myself.  Maybe that'll help.  I think more than anything though I need to make some kind of an outline or it'll just be all helter skelter.  Ya know?  I've been asking people for feedback from their emails and they usually say they'll think about it but then I don't hear from them after that so maybe what I do is create an outline and then email specific people on my list to get more of an idea of what I need.  What do you think - non-commenting blog world out there?  Is anyone out there...there...there...??  Lolz. 

K here goes an outline:

  1. Lamanites/hispanics in the scriptures (especially BOM)
  2. Lamanites/hispanics spoken of by the prophets
  3. Hispanics becoming LDS (conversion process, etc.)
  4. Hispanics going to LDS church (new things)
  5. Hispanic traditions  (parties, coming late, foods)
  6. Hispanic ties to the LDS church (stories like the Pancho Villa one)
I no likey.  Blurgh.  It just seems so booring.  Ya know?  I feel like most of the people who read Des Books are women and what woman would read this book?  I want it to be funny and quirky.  Maybe it's the chapter headings I dislike?  Take 2:
  1. They spoke of them long ago
  2. The prophets still speak of them
  3. My cousin Pepe had the same experience as Joseph Smith.  This is why I know the church is true.
  4. Why do they sing so quietly in church?
  5. I came on time to the party but no one was there
  6. I would do anything for this church! (include some stories of faith that your mom sent you)
  7. Yes we're different but we get to share the same religion - Gospel Love
I think that about covers it.  It doesn't need to be HUGE, ya know?  Look at John Byetheway.  100 pages tops in any of his books.  What a smart guy and what a great speaker, no?  Yeah, aim for 100 pages.  I'm liking this more and more....